Our Programmes
Current ACDE Programmes

ACDE Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE-QAAA)
Hosted by Nation Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) led by Prof. Christine Ofulue
The ACDE-QAAA was established as a continental independent body for the African Open Distance Learning (ODL) higher education institutions. It was mandated to develop an indigenous model of quality assurance and accreditation that will serve to position continental ODL practices and programmes in the global community. The aim is to ensure that ODL institutions in Africa engage in acceptable quality assurance practices through consultation, partnership and collaboration. The ACDE-QAAA provides a continental platform for assuring quality, accreditation, articulation, and credit transfer within African ODL institutions.

ACDE Technical Committee on Collaboration (ACDE-TCC)
Hosted by Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Prof. Leonard Fweja
The ACDE-TCC was established to serve as a focal point for synchronising Open Distance Learning (ODL) initiatives and activities in Africa. The purpose of the ACDE-TCC is to promote collaboration in the development of study materials and academic programs. It is also tasked to coordinate the creation and implementation of joint qualifications involving ACDE member institutions. This will be done through allowing students to move credits between and amongst ODL institutions and programmes. The ultimate aim is to ensure that there is no duplication of effort in development and sharing of study materials.

ACDE Advocacy, Knowledge Generation and Dissemination (ACDE - AKGD)
Hosted by the University of South Africa led by Prof. Mpine Makoe.

ACDE Information Communication and Technology (ACDE - ICT)
Hosted by the Open University of Sudan and led by Eng. Hitham Haider
Previous ACDE Programmes

ACDE ODL Database
Hosted by ACDE Secretariat
One of the main strategies of the African Council for Distance Education (ACDE) is to promote research and training through sharing and distributing knowledge and information about ODL issues in the continent. The development and the implementation of the database are important to the delivery of this strategy. The database will serve as a central information hub that will assist research communities, policy makers, governments, non-governments organisations, development agencies, Open Distance Learning (ODL) practitioners and students with the relevant and up to date information on ODL in Africa. The database will make it possible for the ACDE to manage knowledge and information better.

ACDE African Journal of Distance Education
The African Journal of Distance Education is published by University of South Africa Press and the first issue came out in 2008 and the second in 2009. Since 2010, journal publication has not been regular due to inactivity of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is being reconstituted and publication of the journal is to resume. To clear the backlog of received articles, the journal is to be published on bi-annual basis.The ACDE Journal is hosted by the ACDE Secretarait and the Editor in Chief is the ACDE Executive Director.

ACDE-Scholarship Programme based at the ACDE Headquarters
This programme has not been active due to lack of committed financial support. More information on the project will be posted shortly.
Future Programmes
There are two programmes in the pipeline:

- Mass Training to produce Competent Teachers in Africa
- Capacity Building for Quality assurance in ODL including e-Learning in Africa

ACDE-Chinese Government collaboration.
This project will involve collaboration between ACDE on one hand and Chinese Open Universities and Shanghai TV University on the other.