Benefits of becoming a member

ACDE Membership Benefits
Benefits for various ACDE membership categories.
1. Institutional Membership
i. Representative eligible for election to the governing board.
ii. Voting power: five (5) votes.
iii. Participate in council research and committee activities.
iv. Participate in ACDE decision making.
v. Participating in and benefiting from the various collaborative programme, activities.
vi. Being continuously updated with information on how as an institution can contribute to and benefit from the strategic goals, programs and activities of the ACDE member.
vii. Listing on ACDE website.
viii. Eligible to host the triennial ACDE Conference and General Assembly.
ix. Eligible to host the ACDE Executive Board and Steering Committee meetings.
x. Eligible to host the major ACDE Programmes like ACDE Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency, ICT, Advocacy and Knowledge Dissemination and Technical Committee on Collaboration as the board may find it necessary
xi. Support to benefits directly from the ACDE partners’ projects and resources.
xii. Competing for the triennial ACDE best ODL institution award in Africa (the award should attract donation by the winner).
2. Associate Membership
i. Participate in council committees.
ii. Supporting council activities and programmes.
iii. Participating in and benefiting from the various collaborative programme, activities.
iv. Listing on ACDE website
v. Being continuously updated with information on how as an institution or individual can contribute to and benefit from the strategic goals, programs and activities of the ACDE member.
vi. Representative eligible election to the ACDE governing board.
vii. Voting power: three (3) votes.
3. Individual Membership
i. Being continuously updated with information on how you as an individual can contribute to and benefit from the strategic goals, programs and activities of the ACDE member.
ii. Voting power: one (1) vote.
iii. Listing on ACDE website.
iv. Participate in ACDE project activities.
v. Enjoy recommendation/reference by ACDE in international projects/ research and other relevant activities.
vi. Participate in research proposal writing as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co- Principal Investigator (Co- PI).