Welcome to African Council for Distance Education
The African Council for Distance Education (ACDE) is a continental educational organization comprising African universities and other higher education institutions, which are committed to expanding access to quality education and training through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) including e-Learning. It is a unifying body of distance education providers and practitioners in Africa, ACDE and was formally launched in January 2004 at Egerton University, Kenya. In August 2005 ACDE held its Inaugural Conference and General Assembly at the University of South Africa (UNISA) in Pretoria, during which it was resolved to establish a permanent Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.
Our Origin
The mandate of the ACDE, as a unifying body of ODL providers in Africa, is primarily to promote research, policy and quality in open and distance learning to increase access to education and training in Africa. We do this by building capacity, fostering collaboration and partnership, and advocacy.
Our Vision
The vision of ACDE is to become a major player in the promotion and advocacy for ODL including e-Learning.
Our Mission
Promote collaboration, research, and quality assurance in ODL including e-Learning to increase access to quality education and training in Africa.
Goals and Objectives
- Promote open and distance learning, flexible and continuing education in Africa.
- Promote research and training in ODL including e-Learning in Africa.
- Contribute to the development of policies essential for the advancement of ODL including e-Learning.
- Foster continental and global collaboration in ODL including e-Learning.
- Provide a forum where individuals, organizations and governments can deliberate on policy matters pertaining to ODL including e-Learning.
- Promote development of appropriate methods and technologies in education and training relevant to open and distance learning.
- Provide a forum for interaction, sharing and dissemination of ideas on open and distance learning.

Priority Areas
- Expand membership base of ACDE for all categories.
- Strengthen ICT capacity of the ACDE Secretariat.
- Establish a Research fund and promote collaborative action-oriented research in distance education and open learning.
- Strengthen networking and cooperation among member institutions, individuals, interest groups, international and other regional organizations involved in distance education and open learning.
- Influence the development and implementation of distance education and open learning policies at national level.